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5.05K viewsFlaanimal 4.x

Hi – curious to get some clarification re: dropper post routing on a Flaanimal 4.1. I see that it’s listed as an optional add-on, and I’m assuming that’s for an internally routed post, but just can’t tell from the photos how a post would be routed. Is there an exit port in the lower part of the seat tube?


Steve The Intern Changed status to publish January 13, 2020

You can route a dropper on the Flaanimal two ways:

  1. External along the top tube to a collar actuated post
  2. Internally inside the down tube from the non drive side port near the head tube, down the down tube, bending at the T47 BB shell, and up the seat tube. There is enough internal clearance with a T47 shell to make that bend without affecting dropper post function. That is how we do 100% of our dropper post builds.
Steve The Intern Changed status to publish January 13, 2020