Full disclosure: This is not a truly resolved product, ready to use out in the wild. Instead, it’s simply a just for fun proof of concept gag that we dreamt up and decided to have a bit of fun with for April Fool’s day. That said, we’re happy to share the print file for it so that anyone with a 3d printer can print and play with it on their own terms.

TTPH 1 (Top Tube Pizza Holder) Design Doc
The TTPH 1 is designed to fit a single standard pizza slice according to ASTM F2238-20 (11.5” +- 0.5” Pizza). It can be mounted to the direct mounts on a bicycle top tube or to any mounts with standard bottle bolt spacing.
The two main components of the TTPH 1 should be printed out of a food safe plastic. The cover can be latched down using an o-ring or rubber band.
Dowel Pin Hinge
The dowel pin is supposed to press fit into the base and have a sliding fit against the pizza cover. You may have to resize the dowel pin hole for proper fit depending on your printer settings.
The dowel pin should be a 5mm x 30mm pin. Here are some sources:
Disclaimer: This design has plenty of hard edges and creases, so please don’t do anything silly such as actually taking it out on a gravel ride. We are explicitly not responsible for any damage to your, ahem, undercarriage, if you do!