2015 in review // Dirty Kanza 200

We are only days from the end of 2015 and there are a bunch of highlights from the year that I haven’t had the time to share. I doubt I’ll get to everything on my list and I won’t be able to cover them in much depth, but I’d love to leave them on the journal for the sake of posterity.


The first of these highlights is the Dirty Kanza 200, the two hundred mile gravel (and in our case mud) race through the roads and hills surrounding Emporia, Kansas. There is no way for me to write up this particular event quickly, so if you continue reading please remember to eat often and stay hydrated.

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30 miles of white… knuckles


Yesterday was sketchy. Not “this is fun!” sketchy, more like shaking-when-I-got home sketchy. There was something unusual about the snow that fell in Denver this week. I think the combination of quantity and the consistently frigid temperatures combined to make it more treacherous than I’ve ever seen. It was extremely dry snow but simultaneously as slick as snot. After a hand full tense slides and maneuvers of I probably should have turned around at mile 10 and cut my losses, but the allure of Cherry Creek State Park when it is covered in a layer of white perfection baited me on.

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The Rodeotejas Experience – TDC





Somewhere near New Ulm Texas – 45min drive from Houston.

Last week Joey P and I took a day off work to explore Texas Dirt Country.  You’ve heard of Texas Hill Country?  That’s the well-known region southwest of Austin, North and West of San Antonio and East of the Edward’s Plateau in the middle of the state.  TDC is lesser known and contained partially in the triangle formed by I-10 west of Houston to it’s south, Rt290 between Houston and Austin to the north and the eastern border of Austin City Limits.  I’d recently been exploring it, but Joey P needed to see this….

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December Rodeo Rally.


Rodeo Rally. Last minute invite. December 20th. 8:30am. Buffalo Creek lower lot. 55ish miles of single track, Tarmac, and gravel. CX bike and MTB will work. CX bike encouraged for radness points (bring spare tubes!). High gearing encouraged. Bring lots of water and food. IMPORTANT: This is an advanced level rally on technical trails in the winter. This is NOT a no drop ride. We expect everyone to be on pace or self sufficient as we have limited daylight so we can’t wait around. There are plenty of bail out points earlier in the ride if you only want to make it a 20 ish mile round trip. Just remember: You must be self sufficient.

Route Here:



Lets Rodeo in Belgium


We are in the beginning planning stages of a Rodeo trip to Belgium in 2016 and we want to open up the invite to the larger Rodeo family.

The idea is to make what might be a complicated trip full of unknown for the uninitiated into a fun and much less stressful opportunity to meet up with other Rodeoers, watch some epic spring classics (Flanders and Roubaix) and do a whole lot of riding and hanging out in between.

The prototype for this trip happened this year and before going much further you should at least scan these two journal entries to get a sense of the trip:

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A day at the races: CX Season opener

It is a funny and rare thing when everything converges. This year cyclocross season started a bit early with a season opener at Oskar Blues farm in Longmont. We’ve been a little bit quicker on our toes than last year so we already had our kits in-hand a few days before race day. On a lark I decided that I wanted to race the prototype Traildonkey as well. I’ve actually had this bike in storage since April because as a very early prototype it had a lot of imperfections in the design (which we’ve since revised and refined). I’ve been riding the Flaanimal prototype a lot lately and while I do love the bike and the feel of steel I wanted to go back and get re-antiquated with our first bike project, the one born at almost exactly the same time the team was in January 2014.

2015-08-29 18.07.58-1

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Fall Rally: You’re invited


Live in Colorado?

This is not just a Rodeo thing. It’s a time to ride with cyclists from any team or non-team. Invite your friends if you like.

Sept 29th. 4:30PM. Confluence Park.

Fall. A time of fading light and dying trees, or dying leaves anyway. Mark your calendars for the evening of September 29th. We are going to ride up into the hills above Denver and seek out the answers to life’s deepest questions. If we don’t find the answers we will have at least caught some sweet sunset action whist riding through groves of changing Assssspen™. We will ride back down to Denver in the dark and perhaps imbibe some refreshing cold ones as we recount memories not yet an hour old.

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Evening derp sessions #traildonkey

#Crossishere twelve months out of the year for us. Playing around on local trails and bike parks is a pretty great way to mix up the rhythm of the summer months between road riding and mountain biking. It is also a great way to experience familiar terrain in a new way. It is also just fun! A lot of people spend time doing cyclcoross drills to build skills and that is very useful, but we think that people should see cyclocross bikes as everyday bikes, not race day bikes. If you spend time on the bike regularly and just go out and have fun it’ll fit and ride with perfect familiarity on race day. You might just be surprised at how tame a cyclocross course is as well after you’ve finished a summer of shred on your local trails.Continue reading