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Highline Midnight Rally // June 9th, CO

Come ride one of Denver’s longest and most historic stretches of gravel with us… at night!

The Highline Canal is a gorgeous, serpentine gem of a route that cuts diagonally through Denver from Waterton Canyon all the way out past Aurora. The route is almost completely flat and promises to be a great time.


We’re riding south to north, meeting at Mineral Station in Littleton at 8:30pm.Feel free to ride down to Mineral station to the meetup just hop on the light rail and pop off to join up.

Josh is the ride leader on this one. His cell is: 303-807-6776.

Front and rear lights are a must. Perhaps a mid-ride stop for a quick beverage. Some general shenanigans along the way. And of course we will stop for every possible photo op imaginable…

The full Highline route is 75 miles with 1,400 ft. elevation gain, but with so many places to join or exit as needed you can tailor this ride to your ambition.

This is a “come one, come all” style rally. Speed isn’t the priority.

Extra style points for anyone dressed in rodeo-themed attire…

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  1. UPDATE: Midnight Rally is running South to North. Meeting at the Mineral Lightrail Station in Littleton, 8:30pm this Friday, June 9th. Ending up at Peoria Lightrail Station at some point. Last train back into town is 2:27am…

    • Josh – I am going to be riding from Denver to meet up with you. I might not make it for the 8:30 departure but will ride toward the meeting spot until I see you guys.

      • Doug, will you be coming “south” on the highline? If so, there’s a good chance we will make a pit stop at Grist Brewing Co. my cell is 303-807-6776 if you have trouble tracking us down.

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