Audience Series: Floral Traildonkeys

It may not feel like it but spring is coming! With it leaves and flowers are about to return, and not a day late! In our call for audience inspiration @natalierstarr responded “floral print!”, but she wasn’t very specific about WHICH floral print. We’re glad she wasn’t! As soon as we started looking at floral patterns we knew that one pattern wasn’t enough. We needed ALL THE FLOWERS. So here they are. We roved the web for these patterns and whipped up some fantasy Donkeys that can hopefully help brighten any mood. Happy spring to y’all!

If you would like us to create a custom painted Traildonkey 3.1 or Flaanimal 5.0 for you please get in touch. We’re happy to oblige and collaborate.

Short Film: We Love You Croatan Buck Fifty

This is a story from that time we went to a bike race but there was no racing to be found. Little did we know this would be our last chance to ride together for a while. Even though our racing plans were derailed we were still able to ride together. We’re super grateful to have these memories from this weekend. Looking back over them makes us even more excited for the day when we can ride together again. We love you Croatan Buck Fifty and we will see you in 2021.