2016 is drawing to an end and we haven’t yet had a proper team party and get together. We need to fix that! If you are Rodeo or if you might be Rodeo but aren’t sure then come on out and meet your team mates and friends in the real world. Rodeo does a lot online but one thing we want to do is get better at getting the crew together in the real world. We’ve got people flying the colors all over the world so it’ll be difficult to get everyone together, but if we could get a solid crew of Colorado people under one roof that will be a great place to start!
Dinner and some drinks will be provided. Currently we are leaning towards some sort of taco setup from a local food truck but that isn’t quite locked down yet. If you have a favorite drink or brew bring a six pack to share.
YOU REALLY NEED TO RSVP if you are coming so we know what to plan for. You CAN bring friends, etc but you need to RSVP them. Kids are allowed but it might not be the best idea to bring them because there is finite space and they tend to get a bit bored at bike hangout events.
On the agenda:
1. Hang out and meet more of the team in real life. Connect names and faces.
2. Talk about what it means to be on the Rodeo team.
3. Talk about what we’re getting right and what we should be doing better such as:
– Group rides
– Rallys
– Communication
– Including more people
– Drawing out lurkers
– Road trips (2017)
– Races? (2017)
– Etc
– Ideas from EVERYONE are welcome.
4. Discuss the possibility of a team board of some sort to help break leadership into bite sized chunks.
5. Talk about leadership incentives.
6. Talk about how Rodeo the bike company relates to the team.
7. Eat food
8. Drink things